Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Best Job in the World

I will admit...once in awhile I can get frustrated with behaviors...yesterday was one of those days.  I had rocks being thrown on the playground, children calling names, children taking other children's things...ugh!  But, just when I think I need a "Calgon take me away" moment...one of my students usually does something to turn it around and it happened yesterday.  As we were playing on the playground, one of the students came up to me and said..."Mrs. Baumann, I love you so much!" Another student who has been struggling a bit with the transition to kindergarten said, "I just love coming here every day."  If wealth is measured purely in terms of dollars and cents, I will never be classified as wealthy, but if it is measured by hugs, smiles, laughter...I am one of the richest people I know!  I truly have the best job in the world!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

It Isn't All Work!!

We work hard in kindergarten, but we still find time to play.  Usually outside, but on a wet day...inside is just fine!  Here are some pictures from our fun!

C is for Cookie!

Since we have a kitchen right next door, we did a little baking.  We made chocolate chip cookies!  We will enjoy them for snack on Friday!  Yum!!!