Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hold Hands and Stick Together

Sometimes a picture says it all...

Happy Spring

Spring fever has hit our classroom.  It has been a little busier and a little louder the past few days.  Can you blame my kiddos?  Absolutely not!  This winter has gone on far too long.  Thankfully, spring is here...well at least as far as the calendar is concerned.  We worked off a little of our spring fever today during a fun family activity.  Family groups allow the students at Cold Spring Elementary to work with a group of kids across age levels.  Today, we filled an open field with snow people.  Here are some pictures of our fun.  This is a montage of pictures from the day.  Search the pictures to find students from our classroom.  I didn't get every student's picture, but hopefully, the photos will give you a taste of the fun we had today.

St. Patrick's Day

We showed off our St. Patrick's ties and enjoyed Lucky Charms cereal on St. Patrick's Day.  We also enjoyed stories by Tomie dePaola about our favorite Irish character, Jamie O'Roarke.  My Irish accent may not have been perfect, but the kids really enjoyed the stories about this lazy Irishman.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Green Eggs and Ham

Dr. Seuss' birthday was on March 2nd.  We did a lot of activities and planned to wrap things up by making green eggs on Friday.  Of course, Mother Nature was not cooperative, so our green egg day was deferred until Monday.  Here are some great pictures of the kids with their green eggs.  It is pretty obvious who liked them and who did not!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

KIT #2

Here are some pictures from our KIT day.  It is always fun to have guests in our classroom. I was amazed at how comfortable the students were (maybe a little too comfortable! ).  How different this was from the fall!! The students have grown and learned so much.  Every day they amaze me with some new skill or piece of knowledge.  I watch the ease in which they interact with each other and manage their environment.  It has truly been a metamorphosis and I have been blessed to crawl right into the chrysalis and watch it happen.  I hope that this blog has given you at least a tiny glimpse of what I see every day.  I do have a great job...don't I?